
It’s interesting the many ways humans can experience Trauma these days. Would you believe me if I said I was traumatized by the shower? Sadly, I have my last roommate to thank for that. I had gotten into an abusive romantic relationship in the months leading up to Covid-19 shutting down the world. I still…More

“Read More”

I know this is many people’s New Years Resolution every year. Hell, in the past I’ve had the same resolution! The year that I was focused on reading, I told myself I’d read 12 books- one per month- and I ended up reading 7 before March ended, and then my world imploded and I didn’t…More


I grew up in a family, like many, where money was scarce. My mom was a real estate agent after she left the army, and one thing about real estate is it isn’t consistent, so living paycheck to paycheck was a struggle since we had no clue when the next paycheck would actually be. My…More

Two Completely Different Reactions

Back in April I wrote a blog about a complete stranger who laughed at me for no other reason than because I was fat. You can read it here if you want to remind yourself. Well, I recently had another interaction of being called fat, however this one was online. I made a comment on…More

My Craziest Ride

Being a rideshare driver, one question is often asked of me: “What was your craziest ride?” And I had one particular story that I told for five years about a couple that I drove from the south side of Denver up to Ft Collins at 4am. It was a 97 minute ride and for the…More

Parental Influence On Relationships

What was your parents relationship like? What are your memories of their relationship from before you were 12? In a word, volatile. I don’t remember too many happy memories of my parents. I don’t remember happy anniversaries or excitement over each other’s Christmas presents. I don’t remember them cheering each other on during team sports…More

The WORST PSL Season

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my blessed PSL… *deep breath in followed by a sigh* Pumpkin Spice Latte. Seriously, during PSL season, I will have at least one pumpkin flavored drink or treat. Every. Single. Day. One year, a friend challenged me to keep track of my pumpkin spice obsession and…More

Unconditional Love

I’m listening to the first episode of a podcast called Podcrushed today, and for those who don’t know, it’s a podcast about looking back on and reflecting on the crushes we all had as middle school kids and how embarrassingly cringey they all were. It’s kind of ironic that is the subject, since the only…More


Families are complicated. That is an understatement, of course. Some families grow up in the same geographic region, and cousins feel more like siblings, aunties and uncles more like an extension of your parents (except for that one cool auntie that gets you drunk for the first time), everyone went to the same schools and…More

The BRAVEST person I never met

When I was 22, I moved to Portland, OR. I was going to arrive shortly before the 2004 presidential elections, so I registered to vote in Oregon before I moved, so I’d be able to still vote in the election. A year prior, I had attempted suicide largely due to being gay and knowing that…More